Sustainable Development Goal No. 13
Read more below.
Goal nr. 13. Climate Action
Coonect strives to reduce ours environmental impact and contribute to climate action:
1. CO2-Reporting: We develop CO2 accounts for the company and customer activities to measure and reduce our carbon footprint.
2. Optimizing Transport Logistics: We plan work based on our locations to minimize transport and avoid unnecessary driving. We believe that our motto "First time right - Best practice" helps enhance the quality of our work, thereby reducing the need for excess transport.
3. Virtual Meetings: We hold virtual meetings to cut down on travel and CO2 emissions whenever possible.
4. Expansion of Electric Vehicle Fleet: Our vision is to expand our fleet with more electric vehicles to drive as green as possible.
5. Comprehensive Recycling Program: We sort both our own and returned goods into more than 18 fractions to minimize environmental impact and increase recycling of our own or our customers' waste. This is supported by our ISO 14001 certification.
6. UN Global Compact: We compley to the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact and continuously work to improve our sustainability efforts.
Frederiksværkvej 24 3600 Frederikssund
CVR: 30898656
Opening hours
Sales and office weekdays 07:00 - 17:00
Warehouse weekdays 07:00 - 15:00
+45 8862 6006