Sustainable Development Goal No. 7
Read more below.
Goal No. 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Coonect is committed to being a driving force for increased energy efficiency and renewable energy. We implement the following strategies:
1. Installations and Solutions: We invest in technologies that promote the use of renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. This includes the use of LED lights, electric trucks, and electric stackers. We optimize work processes and consolidate tasks to minimize energy consumption.
2. Green Transportation: Our vision is to increase the number of electric vehicles in our fleet. Charging stations are available at our location, and we encourage both employees and customers to use green transportation.
3. Quality and Longevity: We ensure high quality in our tasks and prioritize solutions with easy access for repair and replacement rather than disposal. We believe that our motto "First time right - Best practice" helps increase the quality and thus the lifespan of our installations, thereby avoiding unnecessary transportation.
4. Customer Consulting: We share our expertise in energy technology with customers to optimize their energy consumption. Through dialogue, we explore sustainable and energy-efficient solutions for the benefit of us, our customers, and the environment.
Frederiksværkvej 24 3600 Frederikssund
CVR: 30898656
Opening hours
Sales and office weekdays 07:00 - 17:00
Warehouse weekdays 07:00 - 15:00
+45 8862 6006