Social Responsibility
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Social Responsibility
Coonect and its employees are to abide by national and international legislation. We also respect human rights as described by and in accordance with SA8000.
Below is Coonect's stance on the nine issues included in SA8000:
• Child labour
Coonect does not employ children under 15 years of age. Child labour is not part of our future strategic plans.
• Forced labour
Coonect employees are hired in accordance with Danish law, thus excluding forced labour situations.
• Health and safety
Coonect strives to provide a healthy and safe workplace for its employees. Frequent employee surveys are carried out to enhance our focus on the physical and mental well-being in the workplace. These surveys cover important topics such as psychological work environment, the balance between working life and private life, personal roles and accountability etc. The results are regularly presented and discussed with the employees in the course of Coonect's semi monthly information meetings.
• Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining
Coonect encourages employees to join a trade union or unemployment insurance fund of their choice.
• Discrimination
Coonect is open towards diversity in the workplace. Coonect employs people on account of their qualifications alone, with no regards to sex, age, nationality, religion, skin color, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or social or ethnic background. Coonect expects its employees to live up to the company's core values. The very spirit of one of our five core values, "Respect for Each Other", excludes any form of discrimination.
• Discipline
Coonect does not punish employees (mentally, psychologically or by means of verbal aggression). Such treatment would clash with our value "Respect for Each Other".
• Working hours
An average working week at Coonect is 37 hours. Overtime may occur in connection with specific deadlines; all the while it is kept on a voluntary basis. Employees are offered overtime compensation or compensatory time or a combination of the two options.
• Compensation
Salaries and employee benefits offered by Coonect are at competitive level enabling us to attract and maintain skilled employees.
• Management system
Coonect is not currently working on formally implementing SA8000, although it is our wish always to keep our employee policy manual updated with Coonect's conduct policies.
Frederiksværkvej 24 3600 Frederikssund
CVR: 30898656
Opening hours
Sales and office weekdays 07:00 - 17:00
Warehouse weekdays 07:00 - 15:00
+45 8862 6006